
Your Profile

Information about you
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First name like: Alex
Last name like: Mayer
This is your registration email
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Stay in the loop with the latest updates and news about your booked by allowing updates. Don't miss out on any changes or important announcements. Additionally, enabling personal recommendations ensures that you're always in the know. Be sure to allow 99active updates as well to receive notifications about exciting new features and services.
Your company name is welcome, but what truly matters is your creativity. Craft the perfect sentence that embodies your unique offering. Whether it's 'Exploring the great outdoors since 2009', 'Master of the canvas, guiding artists since 2022', or 'Creating timeless needlework treasures since Grandma taught me,' your sentence will be prominently displayed alongside your Store offer, instilling trust, captivating potential clients, and highlighting the essence of your workshops, tours, courses - short .
About you as a provider
Your company name like: 99active
Craft the perfect sentence that embodies your unique offering
Your provider billing address
Your street information like: Main Road 5
Additional street information like: 25th floor
ZIP code like: 12345
Your city like: Berlin
Your country like: Germany
We will put your billing address and company name on each invoice and credit note.
Your IBAN like: DE11 2222 3333 4444 5555 66
We transfer your revenues to your IBAN. It´s not a SEPA acceptance. We do not request money from this IBAN.
Your VAT ID format like: DE123456789
If you have a VAT ID you can provide here. We will put your VAT ID on each invoice and credit note.
If you'd like, you can set up your own 99active homepage in the next section. It's really simple and doesn't cost anything extra. Choose a name that you'd like to appear after 'https://99active.com/@....'. Check if the name is still available. Each name works only once. If it's no longer available, choose another name, like 'Alex-Climbing-Guide' or 'Anas-Yoga-Courses'. You'll get your own link and thus your own internet presence. Introduce yourself, talk about your skills and offerings. Include some contact information so your customers can reach you. We'll add every activity you offer or have offered to your homepage. With each activity, you build more trust.
Create your provider page
https://99active.com/@ ... choose your page name
This is your URL based on your page name settings
Company Name like: 99active
Public contact email address like: me@example.com
Contact phone number like: +49 123 45 67 89 01
Do you already have a homepage? Show it to your customers.
Craft the perfect sentence that embodies your unique offering
Tell about yourself and your offerings. Present yourself.
Choose an image
You have to take care of all your tax payments and tax returns. Please accept our tax compliance term.
Tax Approval